Monday, November 24, 2008


L to R Larry Roussell, Edwin Lauricella, Edward Lauricella, me, Chuck Stringer, George Torlage

It should be apparent by now that I do not blog very often. I guess like so many others I only post when I have something to say. Today I want everyone to know just how great it feels to reconnect to old friends whom you haven't seen or heard from in forever. There are no valid excuses for not finding these old friends and catching up with them or finding out what they have been doing for all those years. My standard excuse was that my life was to busy and I had no time. I found out just recently how lame that excuse was. I recently reconnected with friends from my childhood. People I grew up with from childhood through adolescence, preteen years, teenagers and into adulthood. For some unknow reason these friends all thought that I had died. Our reunion was that much more poignant when they found out that I was alive. I was glad for this as well. We all have agreed to meet annually from now on.

In keeping with this theme of reconnecting to the past, I recently reconnected with someone, once very important to me, by way of e-mail. It was a heart warming connection to see how her life has in some way parralleled my own. The pictures I recieved showed a very happy parent/grandparent and a number of her beautiful children. She seems to have escaped the ravages of the ageing process as well for she looks so much younger than I, but I know she isn't. California's climate agrees with her very well.

If there is someone out there who you haven't seen in a very long time do all that you can to locate them and reconnect to the past we all wish for. Modern technology has made it easier than ever to reach out and touch someone. You will be amazed at how quickly the distance and the time melts away and all that remains are the memories.

Until nex t time.

1 comment:

Erin Rinehardt said...

Bill and I are coming down there next year for this event. Looks like you had a blast and I can't let you have all the fun.