Saturday, April 3, 2010

As I said when I began this blog, I don't post very often. Usually only when I have something that I want to say. I see that my last posted blog was in July of last year, 2009. Part of the reason for not writing since has been that I have been very busy as the school librarian for St. Gregory Barbarigo school here in Houma. When the school's principal learned that I had some post graduate studies in Library Science she asked if I would carefully consider revamping the Stephen Hagen Memorial Library, a small but well stocked library that has had little or no attention paid to it in many years. I jumped into the project with both feet and I can now say that it is near completion. It has been very rewarding and the school is benefiting by having a full-time librarian for it's students. I have created a working electronic card catalog of over five thousand titles and with the help of a private grant from a local foundation we now have all new computers in the library and smart board technology in all of the class rooms. Our small elementary school received SACS accreditation this year as well posting the highest SACS rating of all the schools in the archdiocese. We are definitely on an upward spiral.

My three year tenure at this school has been a great pleasure and I hope to continue there as their librarain for many years to come. Working with students that are respectful and kind is a joy for a teacher that has seen the tarnished patina of public education.